After you log into SureSmile, the welcome screen lists all of the practices that you can access.
At the top of the clinic overview page, you may see an announcement bar that contains information about software and bracket library updates, upcoming training classes, and other information of specific interest to SureSmile users. To close the announcements bar after reading the messages, click the small x in the top right corner. The announcements bar reappears when you receive a new announcement.
At the top left of the clinic overview page are five tabs.
Tab |
Description |
Tasks | Click to list pending tasks for patients. The badge in the upper right corner of the Tasks tab indicates the number of pending tasks in the filtered set. Display tasks as either a list or on individual task cards by clicking the small icons ![]() |
Patients | Click to show patient records. The badge in the upper right corner of the Patients tab indicates the total number of patients in the filtered set. Display patients in a list or on individual patient cards by clicking the small icons ![]() |
Shipments | Click to view list of all shipped items, including wires, printed models and IDB trays. See Tracking Shipments. |
Reports | Click to select and view practice-level reports in a separate browser tab. See Reports. |
Add Patient | Click to enter demographics for a new patient. See Add Patient. |
On the right side of the page just below the SureSmile bar are menus for sorting and filtering the information shown under each tab. If you have more patient records that meet the current filter criteria on either tab, page numbers appear at the bottom of the window so that you can move to another screen of patients.
Note: When you log out, SureSmile remembers which tab you were using on the Clinic Overview and takes you to that same location when you log in the next time.
Tip: Set your default display preferences for both tasks and patients. See Appearance Preferences.
Column |
Description/Purpose |
Flag (sortable) |
Click Sorts in "rainbow" order:
Card |
Click ![]() |
Last name |
Patient's last name |
First name |
Patient's first name |
Patient ID (sortable) |
Patient identification number. Automatically generated by SureSmile when patient added to SureSmile as a new patient. See Add Patient. (Sorts in alphabetical order.) |
Owner |
The person in the practice assigned to this type of task. See Task Ownership Preferences. |
Item |
The SureSmile product associated with the task. |
Task (sortable) |
The standard name for the required action to be performed. For a list of standard tasks in SureSmile, see Sort and Filter Patient Information. Click the small Defer Task icon ![]() ![]() |
Due Date (sortable) |
Due Date for task, typically automatically calculated by SureSmile, but can be edited in patient timeline. See Treatment Time Preferences. If the patient record row is shaded pink/salmon, this means the task is overdue. (Sorts in order by date with oldest date first) |
Notes |
Click ![]() |
Setup Approval Date |
Calculated from your treatment time preferences on the treatment timeline. See Using the Treatment Timeline. |
Wire Insertion Date (sortable) |
Manually entered whenever last wire was inserted for patient. (Sorts in order by date with oldest date first) |
Status |
Manually set on the Patient Profile page, Can be either Active, Quit, or Cancelled. |
Deferred to |
Date task was deferred, or postponed by clicking ![]() |
Click the patients name or photo to open the patient overview page.
Click to provide quick view of patient's timeline.
Click to open the patient's profile.
If a product or item , e.g., therapeutic model 2, is associated with a task,click to open and complete the task.
The date shown is date task is due. Click to postpone the task a specific number of days. The due date on the card changes to the new date.
When visible, click the Complete Task check box to hide a task on the task list. To redisplay the hidden task, use the Show __ Tasks filter, and select Completed. Click the check box to clear it and redisplay the task in the task list
The name of the task. e.g., Provide records, is below the date. Text in red indicates an overdue task.
The patient ID cannot be changed.
Click to view the product notes or add a patient note.
Tip: Set your default display preferences for both tasks and patients. See Appearance Preferences.
Column | Description/Purpose |
Flag (sortable) |
Click Sorts in "rainbow" order:
Card |
Click ![]() |
Last name |
Patient's last name |
First name |
Patient's first name |
Patient ID (sortable) |
Patient identification number. Automatically generated by SureSmile when patient added to SureSmile as a new patient. See Add Patient. (Sorts in alphabetical order.) |
Doctor |
The orthodontist assigned to the patient in the patient's profile. |
Item |
The most recently approved or finished product. |
Date (sortable) |
Date Item was last changed. (Sorts in order by date with oldest date first) |
Note |
Click ![]() |
Setup Approval Date |
Calculated from your treatment time preferences on the treatment timeline. See Using the Treatment Timeline. |
Wire Insertion Date (sortable) |
Manually entered whenever last wire was inserted for patient. (Sorts in order by date with oldest date first) |
Status |
Manually set on the Patient Profile page, Can be either Active, Quit, or Cancelled. |
Click the patients name or photo to open the patient overview page.
Click to provide quick view of patient's timeline.
Click to open the patient's profile.
The most recently finished product is shown, e.g., Wire 2. , followed by the date the product was finished. Click the product name to open.
Below the product name is the status of the product. this is typically Approved for models or plans, and Inserted for wires.
The patient ID cannot be changed.
Click to view, edit, or add notes. See Add (and Edit) Patient Notes.
When you click to view a patient's timeline, the following window opens. See below for features. For more information about using the patient timeline, see Using the Treatment Timeline.
Click to open the patient's profile.
Click the product name, e.g., therapeutic model 2, to open the product.
(Tasks only) The date shown to the right of the product name is when the last task was completed.
(Tasks only) The name of the task, e.g., Submit order, is below the date. Text in red indicates an overdue task.
(Tasks only) Click the small Defer Task icon next to the task to defer the task a specific number of days. The new due date is shown in the Deferred To column in the Tasks list view.
(Tasks only) When visible, click the Complete Task check box to hide a task on the task list. To redisplay the hidden task, use the Show __ Tasks filter, and select Completed. Click the check box to clear it and redisplay the task in the task list.
The patient ID cannot be changed.
Click Edit Note to create a new note or edit an existing one. See Add (and Edit) Patient Notes.
For more information about the patient timeline, see Using the Treatment Timeline.
See also ...