Using the Treatment Timeline

When you go to a patient overview page, the treatment timeline at the top of the page shows five core events in the patient's SureSmile treatment process. The status of each event is shown under the event.

The treatment timeline is dynamically reconfigured as you treat the patient.

Click the clock icon to the right of the timeline to display a list of all current and past products associated with  this patient. Use the drop-down lists in the status column to change the status of tasks. Click on the date links in the Date column to change dates.

Timeline events and products

The following milestones and products are captured by the SureSmile software.

Standard Timeline Milestone

Aligner Timeline Milestones

Bond date

Therapeutic Scan date

Therapeutic Scan Date

Setup Approval Date

Setup Approval Date

Treatment Start (date of appointment  when patient receives first set of aligners)

Wire Insertion Date

Treatment Completion (date of appointment when patient transitioned from treatment to retention).
Debond date  


Important! All estimated dates in the timeline are set by your practice, either manually or by setting estimated date parameters under your treatment preferences (see Treatment Time Preferences). Estimated dates are NOT changed or updated by the SureSmile system, the Digital Lab technicians or Dentsply Sirona manufacturing.

Products shown on timelines

These items are shown in the treatment timeline at the top of the Patient Overview workspace. Only the most recent item appears if there is more than one of the same item for a patient:


These items are displayed only if they are used in the case:

Product States

The product states in the timeline are labeled as follows:

Timeline Dates Calculated from Left to Right

After the patient record is initially created, date calculation occurs in a forward direction. When you change a date, all future estimated dates are moved forward or backward by an equal amount. For example...

suresmile calculates the estimated wire insertion date for three weeks from the date you ordered the wire instead of from the setup approval date.

Color Coding on the Timeline

On the timeline, the colored circles identify the status of the product or milestone as listed in the table below.

Color code


The item is complete.

The item is in work but nothing is required of you at this time.

 The item is in work and you have a task to complete.

The item is overdue.

The item is not due soon.

When should you use the timeline features?

Surgical Cases Denoted on Timeline

If a case involves multi-piece surgery for at least one arch, the post- and Pre-Surgical setups are both labeled and shown.

After you complete the first surgical setup for a case (the post-surgical setup), an <Order setup> task for the pre-surgical setup is added to the Tasks tab. If multiple post-surgical plans are created, the most recently finished plan is shown.

Upper and Lower Wires Shown

Since both wires may not always be inserted during the same appointment, wire orders are shown on the timeline with separate selections for upper and lower wires.

Click the eye symbol in the timeline for a wire order to see the upper and lower wires.

Wire insertion dates are categorized as:

The dates for the upper and lower wires are synchronized as follows:

If ... Then ...
You change the date for upper wire insertion ... The lower wire insertion date is also changed.
You change the date for lower wire insertion ... The upper wire date is unchanged.

Updating the Treatment Timeline

The treatment timeline is visible on patient cards in the clinic overview  and on the patient overview. If you have the list selected, the timeline is not visible on these overview pages.

To update a date and its status in the timeline, follow these steps:

  1. Choose one of the following:
If .. Then ..
You are on the clinic overview with patient cards ...

Click the eye in the upper right corner of the patient card to display the timeline.

You are on the patient overview ... Use the timeline at the top of the page or the full treatment timeline displayed after you click the clock icon.
  1. To change a date:
    From the expanded timeline on the clinic overview, click the down arrow to the right of the date that you want to change.
    From the timeline at the top of the patient overview, click the eye on the right side of the date or product where you want to make the change.
    Result: The event or product expands. Some dates have a date and a status menu.
  2. Type over the date in the date field.
    Click the calendar icon on the right side of the date field and select the date from the calendar.
  3. To change the status, click the down arrow and select the appropriate value from the drop-down menu.

Note: Changes are saved immediately.

Opening a Product from the Treatment Timeline

To open a product from the timeline, follow these steps:

  1. Choose one of the following:
    If .. Then ..
    You are on the clinic overview with patient cards ... Click the eye in the upper right corner of the patient  card to display the timeline.
    You are on the patient overview ... Use the timeline at the top of the page or the full treatment timeline displayed after you click the clock icon.
  2. From the treatment timeline, click the name of the product.

    Result: You are taken directly to the product in the treatment planning workspace, and you can start working on it.

    Note: Some products cannot be directly accessed from the timeline because they are at the Digital Lab or do not yet exist. Names in blue underlined text indicate a product that you can work on.

  3. Complete your order as usual.

Using timelines to manage staged models, aligners, IDB trays, printed models and wires

If there are IDB trays, staged models, aligners, printed models or wires associated with a digital model, simulation or plan, these are shown when you first open the timeline and remain displayed until you choose to hide them.

Additional detailed information about each item, (i.e., upper and lower wires showing status and dates, or which trays or models are ordered) is initially hidden. Click the small arrow to the right of each item to show or hide additional information.


3D Prints

IDB straight wire simulations

 IDB setups (part of Standard w/IDB case package)


Wires are  at the primary level for ease of access.


Patient Card Timeline


Expanded Timeline on Patient Overview page