Occlusal Plane

Use this section of the MACROS to indicate which teeth represent the correct location for the patient’s occlusal plane. You can also type notes regarding the leveling needed for the posterior, functional, and anterior regions of the plane. Specify to the Digital Lab the following details of your treatment plan:

To make selections in the Occlusal Plane section:

  1. Under Reference Arch, select the Upper, Lower or Independent option to indicate the arch driving the occlusal plane.
  2. Click the check boxes in the tooth chart to select or clear teeth. If necessary, click teeth in the chart to deselect them. Deselected teeth appear white.

  3. Under Cant Correction, indicate the region(s) to extrude or intrude.

  4. Under Anterior Overbite, choose the range you want to treat to.

  5. Adjust the Curve of Spee or Curve of Wilson as needed using the menu selections.

  6. Add notes as necessary.