Exporting 3D Model Files for Lab Use

Use SureSmile's export 3D model feature to create 3D models for printing or study by your lab  for a variety of purposes. The most common use is to create indirect bonding (IDB) trays from the 3D models, but the exported 3D models can be printed by your lab's 3D printer to create diagnostic, final or study models as well.

To export one or more 3D models

  1. From the patient overview, click the Exports button on the right side of the screen, and select Export 3D.
  2. Click the check box under the model that you want to export.
  3. Select or clear the check boxes for additional model objects as needed.
  4. Select the appropriate file format. (Check with your lab to determine the format they require.)
Format (Extension) Description
SLA Interface File 1mm (*.STL) Standard format for 3D data exchange. Values in millimeters. (default selection)
SLA Interface File–  1m (*.STL) Standard format for 3D data exchange. Values in meters.
Binary Point Cloud File (*.SYP) Dentsply Sirona proprietary format.
Object File (*.OBJ) Graphic format.
Polygon File (*.PLY) Standard format for 3D data exchange.
  1. (Optional) Select or clear the Unify Objects (for 3d-Printing) check box.

Note: If your practice has been enabled by SureSmile customer care for 3D printing optimization, the Unify Objects (for 3d-Printing) check box is shown on the Export 3D Models dialog box and the check box is selected by default. This option combines all of the objects for each model into a single printable object, this allows for more accurate and efficient printing with most 3D printers. If you are interested in this option, please contact SureSmile Customer Care.

  1. Click Export.

Result: A zip file containing the compressed files is downloaded to your computer. The location depends on your web browser. Check your browser support to determine location. (Check with your lab to determine the best way to send them the zip file.) The following file format is used for .STL files: