The reference model for a post-surgical wire will be a combination of the pre-surgical setup or simulation with the post-surgical skeletal corrections applied. The base model will be the post-surgical setup. The wire name has the suffix (Post-Surgical). The reference model, (a Pre-Surgical simulation or setup) on the left includes all of the dental movements applied prior to the surgery, but it also includes the post-surgical skeletal movements. This is the starting position after surgery. The target model shows the post-surgical setup. Here, only slight alignments are typically required--just slight tooth movements to complement the alignments made prior to surgery.
Result: The New Wire Order window opens. The wire is automatically labeled Wire 2 (Post-Surgical).
Note: On the Order Tab of the approved post-surgical setup, the Create Post-Surgical Simulation button directly creates a simulation based on the post-surgical setup. The simulation applies to both teeth and surgery movements. You can then order a setup modification wire from this simulation.