Enter Dental Exam for Teeth

When you start a new order, the Dental Examination page opens first. Information that you enter on the teeth tab is used by the Digital Lab in combination with a scan to create models. Any additional information you can provide from your observations of the patient helps to improve tooth modeling.

It is critical to Digital Lab processes that the patient’s record is updated for missing teeth. The Dental Examination tooth chart is also displayed whenever you order subsequent products after the initial scan. Make changes as needed to keep the chart up-to-date with the patient’s current characteristics.

Add information from dental exam

To complete the patient’s tooth exam as part of an order, follow these steps from the Dental Examination page:

  1. In the tooth chart, click a tooth that you want to change.
  2. Select the appropriate tooth option from the list on the left side of the screen: present, missing, Unerupted, or impacted.
    Note: If a tooth is missing because it is impacted, choose the impacted option.
  3. Just below the option list, click to check additional properties as appropriate: Partially Erupted, Primary, or Supernumerary Tooth.
  4. If the patient's selected tooth has no visible contact to the adjacent mesial tooth, click the contact bar between teeth on the tooth chart to remove the bar.
    Note: To remove all contacts click Clear all contacts.


If the patient's selected tooth is in contact with the adjacent mesial tooth, click the space between the teeth on the tooth chart to add the bar.
Note: To set all contacts at once click Set all contacts.

  1. Under Miscellaneous, click the appropriate option.

Dental Examination Color Indicators

The color in the dental exam tooth chart indicates the following:

For example, in the above set of teeth:

5 = customer hold is resolved, unbonded, no bracket

4 = customer hold is resolved, labial

3 = customer hold, labial

2 = lingual bonded, upside down, customer hold is resolved

1 = unbonded with bracket, customer hold is resolved

Reset Tooth/Reset Teeth

In the Inter-proximal Properties section of the Dental Examination page, follow these steps to reset one or more teeth.

For information about the modeling of unerupted teeth with a CBCT scan, see the online help in the SureScan desktop application.